Monday, August 6, 2007

A True Story of Love, domestic abuse and Betrayal: My Husband Left Me for my Best Friend! She took me to the cleaners... till I put her out to dry!

I began dating Steve when I was 21. He was 20. Shortly after that, while working in an office, Steve and I had become engaged 8 months into our relationship. Everything seemed wonderful... until that fateful day! I met Laurie. She was a typist, and I was a call center manager, working my way through school. At 19, she was a high school drop out and was married with a 3 year old daughter, and was separated and living with another man named Dwayne. She had left her husband and moved in with Dwaye. A few months later, Dwayne dumped her, so she moved back in with her husband Gary. I wish I had heard the warning bells in my head! If I had, I would not be in the mess I got myself into. Perhaps my life would be different in more ways then one.

Steve and I married when we were 25 and 26. Our daughter Corey came along less then a year after, then Brandon 20 months after that.

The first time Steve hit me, we were sitting at a table in our kitchen having discussion about capital punishment. Steve asked me if I was for or against the death penalty. I answered him honestly and told him that "NO" because I would be concerned of an innocent person be wrongly convicted. At that to my shock, he became enraged! His face turned dark red and he got up and kicked me! I fell to the floor, hitting my head on the leg of the chair next to me. I literally saw stars. I must have been in utter disbelief, because I wrote the incident off to him being stressed out at work. WHat a fool I was!

The second time STEVE Struck me, we were driving in his car down the highway. I cannot remember what set him off.. but he reached over while he was driving and slapped me in the face, smashing my head against the window! Again I was flaberghasted! This "sweet guy" that everyone thought was so nice was showing his UGLY SIDE once again! Again, I brushed it aside as a "reaction to him being stressed at work" and let it go. This time I was way beyond a fool I was! They say (WHOEVER THEY ARE!!) Fool me once... shame on you ... fool me twice.. shame on me!) Well SHAME ON ME! I was foolish enough to MARRY THE B#STARD! It was the BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! (With exception of course, of our kids) If I had it to do over again... I would have done what I was impulsed to do at the wedding.. that was RUN OUT THE DOOR OF THE CHURCH, JUMP IN OUR RENTED CADILLAC AND CAUGHT THE NEXT FLIGHT AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE! Oh how I wish I had followed my INNER VOICE! I would not be in this mess right now had I done so!

WE married on March 20th, 1998. Foolishly I kept brushing aside these "isolated times" where Steve would become physically abusive. The Abuse came in the form of verbal and emotional as well! If I expressed an opinion that he happened to not agree with at the moment..(AND I SAY "MOMENT" BECAUSE HIS OPINION WOULD CHANGE FROM ONE MOMENT TO THE NEXT ON A FREQUENT AND REGULAR BASIS!!!) Steve Would become ENRAGED!! His face would literally turn RED, and he would and proceed to SCREAM and shout in my face... and I would feel physically threatened! I never knew if it was going to turn physical or not, so I finally learned to not express my opinion around him at all, and to verbally agree with whatever I thought it was that he wanted me to say! By this time I already had my first child.. my daughter Corey. Corey was born in September of 1988. She was a month early, but at 6 lbs 11 oz she was healthy. I know I never should have married Steve!! It was the single BIGGEST REGRET in my LIFE!... WEll.. NO.. ONE OF THE TWO BIGGEST REGRETS! (I will talk about the other REGRET shortly!) Corey was a bright and beautiful child! I know I sound like I am bragging... but she actually spoke her first word at the age of 3 months! Okay! It really sounds crazy, but I swear that she did! Her first word was.. "HI"! Since she was born, I would lay her on the changing table that My WONDERFUL FATHER had made for me, and I would talk to her, wave my hand and say HI.. and at 3 months I was FLABERGHASTED when she actually waved back and said "HI"!
Anyway, the point is this: I was 3 months pregnant with Corey when I married STEVE I knew at the time it was wrong! The signs were all there, and had I listened to the inner voice in my soul, I would have run out the door as I was impulsed to do on that wedding day.

I loved that baby from the moment I knew she was growing under my heart. I wanted to do the best thing for my child! I thought that perhaps if I married Steve he would settle down and it would somehow magically cure his violent outbursts! I know it sounds Naive, but I had grown up with a very poor self-image.. and although it is no excuse, I thought he would be a good dad!...

Steve become abusive to Corey for the first time when when she was 2 years old. She had gone downstairs into the basement to see him one day after he had come home from work, and next thing I knew, she came running up the stairs crying her little eyes out... "Mommy.. Daddy hit me" She cried as she turned her little body around for me to see the HUGE RED HANDMARK on her little back! I scooped her up into my arms, in tears myself! I was furious! It was ONE thing to hit me.. but when you mess with my child.. you are messing with your life! At the time, I had Brandon who was just a few months old. He was a sweet and adorable little boy who laughed for the first time at 3 weeks, and never stopped.. even in his sleep! (I used to go into his room at night for years because I would hear him laughing and I thought he had woken up, but he was laughing in his sleep!) I took the kids in the car and drove to my friend Lynn's house and talked for hours before returning home. I was scared! Steve had been abusive when I married him, and now he was becoming a monster! My plan of him settling down and being a kinder person had failed! MISERABLY!

The abuse of the kids continued for years... I often would find myself throwing my body between him and Corey to protect her from Steve's Wrath! He would punch, hit, kick,shove myself and the kids and I was completely getting worn down by it all! I was so beaten down mentally that I did not have the strength to leave him! Brandon would scream for me to help him.. to get Steve away from him...and try as I might, I could not pull that big heavy man off my little boy!I could go on and on with the specific incidents of Steve's abusive behaviors that occured, but that would take years to write about them all. You get the idea!

The situation kept getting worse, until one day, he became SO enraged with Corey because she could not understand her math homework, that in front of WITNESSES TOO!.. I had friends over and my mother was standing there watching this scene.. he grabbed Corey by her long hair, and began pulling her up the stairs by it, all the while, shouting at her.."You stupid girl! cant you do anything right?" I immediatly told him to LET GO of her NOW or I would call the police. I ran up after them to her bedroom where I told Steve to GET OUT! GO STAY WITH YOUR DAD! JUST GET OUT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! I told him to get help and then maybe we would talk, but not to come back until he had!

He went to stay with his friend Ken P. for a time, and then ended up living with his father.In the meantime, We were all trying to heal! ...

After Steve moved out, I could finally breath. I met a man named Tim who treated me with respect! For the first time in years, I was with a person who made me feel worthwhile. He was kind and caring and never abusive! He was in the midst of a divorce and we were both in a sort of transitional period. Steve in the meantime, began seeing a woman who I had THOUGHT to be a close friend of mine. THATS RIGHT!! You Guessed it!! It was her!! It was LAURIE!!! By now, Laurie was on her third marriage and had 2 more kids.. a son Christopher and a daughter Leslie. They were having a long running sexual affair.. which was probably going on LONG before that time!

See, Laurie was freshly divorced from one of her husbands around the time I had Corey. Then Steve and I set her up with a man named Craig who was a very nice guy. He worked with Steve at the time, and he seemed quiet and lonely. He would hang around Steve and I nearly every day of the week, so I decided it was time to "marry him off". I thought of Laurie because I had felt sorry for her and although she was from a really BAD part of town and had grown up in an environment that was not very healthy with a lot of drugs and alcohol, she SEEMED okay, and I had befriended her back at the office where we met. She had a few flaws.. physical and otherwise that I thought Craig was kind enough to overlook.. for example.. she had (still does today.. ) THREE FRONT TEETH INSTEAD OF TWO LIKE MOST NORMAL PEOPLE. It looked very peculiar, however we learned to overlook it. I swear!! IF you look at her smile, first thing you would notice was the fact that there was a 3rd front tooth centered PERFECTLY in between the other two! It looked rather symetric in a very bizarre kind of way! Anyway, to get on with the story... Craig and her Clicked. Craig was lonely, and She had a very strong crush on him (when I think back, I realize now that it was his money not him that she had the crush on!) I really wonder though till today.. whether he was ever really attracted to her at all, because years later after they married.. she would cry to me hysterically about how he would refuse to have sex with her and she SWORE UP AND DOWN that he was gay! I know NOW that there is NO WAY he is.. he remarried a beautiful woman from India years later who he worships! I think that he was just TURNED OFF by Laurie! Maybe it was the extra tooth!! Who knows!! OR perhaps her OVERBEARING personality, or maybe he found out how dishonest she was! I will get into the details of that shortly!

Anyway, She and Craig Married shortly after my son Brandon Wade was born in May of 1990. Like I said.. I suppose their marriage was doomed from the getgo...They produced a son Christopher who is now 13 years old and I have NO IDEA how that may have happened considering the above! She must have coaxed him somehow! Who knows.. after a drink or two.. ??

Laurie began her quest for her conquest for my husband years back. Not only did she SET The goal to have my husband as her prize!!... I could have lived with that!! Men are just that... Men. BUT NO!! That was not enough for this greedy Witch! (I DO use the word WITCH LITERALLY.. she had confided in me years before when I THOUGHT she was a genuine friend, that she actually had practiced WITCHCRAFT from the time she was a child back living in Massachusettes, to get things that she WANTED...She said she ALWAYS got what she wanted!) She has set her sights on taking over my entire LIFE! My Husband was NOT ENOUGH! She proceeded to go after my CHILDREN, MY HOME, SHE WENT SO FAR AS TO PUT MY MAIL ON VACATION HOLD OVER THE INTERNET AND AUTHORIZED HERSELF TO PICK IT UP.. WHICH SHE DID! THIS WAS HOW SHE WAS ABLE TO ACCESS MY BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION AS WELL AS MY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT INFO.

One may ask.. what would she want with THAT STUFF??? Well I think it is very OBVIOUS! Thats right! She set up her bills to be automatically paid thru MY BANK ACCOUNT!!! THEN she began charging things over the internet on my Credit cards! I got a HUGE Debit taken out of my checking account by AOL, DIRECT TV, SEARS, SOME HOME SHOPPING CLUB, and that is just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG! I MUST SAY.. AOL WAS GOOD ABOUT PAYING ME BACK THE MONEY SHE HAD STOLEN AND IMMEDIATLY CLOSED HER ACCOUNT!! GOOD ON THEM! I Was not so lucky with Direct TV! They never gave me back a dime! I would never do business with them again! I would go without TV before that!

Anyway, did yo know tha identity theft is okay to do? I found that out. LAURIE was Given mere probation for 6 months and had only to pay me back 1 hundred dollar of what she had stolen! Unbelievable! I THOUGHT It was a serious crime but I found out otherwise! Obviously its okay in America... or at least in Missouri!

Getting back to the story... Steve ended up getting counselling and moved back in. Then Jennifer Rose was born in September of 1995. She was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome at the age of 3. That is a story I will tell in its own later on. Strangely, Steve never laid a hand on Jennifer Rose in the way of abuse, however, when I was 7 months pregnant, he shoved me very hard against a wall to where I hit my belly where the baby was and I fell the the floor... so I have always had this little question in my mind... did he affect her health somehow? I will never know!

In the meantime, Laurie and Steve were carrying on hot and heavy with their little "LIASON" as I like to call it. I found out one day, when I was surfing the internet. I was cleaning out the email from our AOL account at the time, when I came upon the EVIDENCE! They had been sleeping together for YEARS as it looked! They had been emailing love letters back and forth. They had even been arrested to being caught With LAURIE performing Oral Sex on Steve in a Public Park in BROAD DAYLIGHT! I was APPALLED! The cops came by and they were taken in handcuffs.. apparantly Steve still had his pants unzipped on the journey to the CLINK!.. I still laugh about that today where at the time it didnt seem funny...


Laurie Continuted her affair with Steve and Steve Proposed that he and I stay together in an "open marriage" where he would be able to continue sleeping with Laurie and be with me too! He told me that he could never love her the way he loved me, but because I did not want to sleep with him for reasons I will get into shortly, he wanted to be able to "do it" with Laurie. Steve said although he was physically attracted to her, he realized she was not very intelligent but for some reason he found himself turned on by her. GO FIGURE! (Looking back, he wasn't very bright himself! He once took an IQ Test in front of me and scored a 102, which was the brunt of jokes he would tell, I guess being a good sport!) I kicked Steve out for the last time, and told him that he could have the W#@HRE (Referring to LAURIE) He tried to talk me into the open marriage thing, but I flatly rejected that Idea! NO WAY Was I going to be part of a harem!! Besides, it was really time to move out of the abusive environment! I needed to realize that I was a worthwhile person, so I did the only thing I could under the circumstances... I grew some proverbial balls, and kicked Steve out!

Tactless as LAURIE is, she had the nerve to SHOW UP AT MY DIVORCE HEARING!! "WHAT A Tactless thing to do! What nerve! What a Hoosier!" I mused to my friend Lisa, who was there to support me knowing I needed a friend!

THE DIVORCE WAS A NIGHTMARISH DISASTER! Steven brought that horrible woman he was living with to the divorce hearing. She actually snarled at me as she pushed her chest out.. displaying her amptly stuffed bra! The friend I had brought with me.. Lisa who was my childhood friend, and had come to support me in my time of need, commented to me later that she could not believe that a woman would be so tacky as to come to her lover's divorce, and that she could actually see a sock sticking up the top of her bra line! (Laurie always wore very low cut tops .. confiding in me on several occasions "My sexuality is the most important thing in my life, and I am deeply concerned about it!") I just wonder what the judge must have thought! It was very embarrassing!

Throughout the hearing, Laurie insisted on being in the middle of it all.. directing it! I could tell the judge was getting really aggitated and finally he had to throw her out of the courtroom! I was very relieved when he did.

Laurie is a very scarey and unstable person, and there is just no telling what she might be up to. This theory came to fruitation about a year after Steve and I were finally divorced! One week, I noticed that for several days in a row I did not get any mail. I finally spoke with the mailman who had become suspiscious after 4 days, and came to my door to find out what was going on, as he had noticed that I was indeed home all week. He informed me that my mail had been put on vacation hold via the internet, and that some blond woman had come to the post office earlier that morning to pick up my mail, claiming to be authorized to pick it up, and stating that she was "my sister". I knew immediatly who it was, because he described her a "some bleach blond woman with stringy hair, and AN EXTRA FRONT TOOTH!" I was floored! Why on earth would Laurie want with MY MAIL!!!?? Well later on that evening, I found out! I began getting multiple phone calls from credit card companies claming that I was "over my limit" and had "not paid my bill in over 3 months!" When I thought back, my mail had stopped back about 6 months before for a period. What was incredible about it all, was that I HAD NO CREDIT CARDS!! NONE AT ALL! SO how could I possibly be over my limit when I had none!

I proceded to ask the person on the phone to connect me to the fraud manager which they did, and I asked for them to take out the original application that had been used to get these credit cards. Apparantly, LAURIE had no clue what my mother's maiden name was.. as is asked on most credit card applications these days! She had put 3 different "maiden names" for the three (YES THERE WERE 3 Total!) different cards, none of which were correct, and none of which were the same as the other two! D U H!!!!!!!!! If you are going to commit a crime, at least DO IT RIGHT!

The following week, I got several Bounced checks back from my bank! Now I had NEVER bounced a check in my life! EVER! And I knew I had had enough money to cover my bills when I sent them. This was crazy! So I went to my bank, and found that LAURIE had also managed to access my checking account information, and was having my account automatically drafted to pay her's and Steve W's BILLS! There was several thousand dollars missing!! First she stole my husband and broke up my family, and now this horrible WITCH.. LAURIE was stealing MY MONEY TOO! I went to the police where the bank was located and filed criminal charges against LAURIE! I barely had enough money coming in at the time to cover my bills which were huge, especially with a child with a disability and was on medications and foods that the health insurence company refused to pay! LAURIE just as expected, denied the "allegations" claiming it was a "mistake made from the bank"! She simply denied it was her at the post office, but the writing was on the wall! She ended up with 6 months probation, community services and only had to pay restitution of $100! I was vicitimized by the system as well as by LAURIE!

TO BE CONTINUED.... Coming soon... PART 2!!!

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